
Health and immunity with mofettes and mineral waters

about us

Turism Covasna S.A. is one of the main balneary tourism companies in Romania, being the only hotel complex in Covasna located directly on the source of mofette gas and mineral water, with 3 mofettes, while it has the largest and most complex treatment base in the area.
Turism Covasna balneary complex includes hotels Căprioara SPA & Wellness Resort 4*, Covasna Complex Balnear***, Cerbul Complex Balnear***, and Camping Valea Zânelor*, with a total number of 777 persons that can be accommodated inside the hotels and 34 persons – in the houses and motel rooms at the Camping. The positioning in the centre of Covasna is ideal for tourists coming to the resort, as they can enjoy their balneary treatments and walks in the town park.



Covasna Resort is one of the most important balneary resorts in the country. It has important natural resources and a unique character. These resources have been used for decades in the prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular system disorders.
The variety of resources, mineral waters, mofettes (CO2 emissions), clean air rich in negative ions, and the picturesque landscape make health tourism possible, by also contributing to the prevention and strengthening of the immune system.

turism covasna

After a full refurbishment, Căprioara SPA & Wellness Resort**** reopened as of 15.08.2016.
Following an important investment, Căprioara SPA & Wellness Resort**** is an entirely new face in the tourist market, with new-looking accommodation and restaurant spaces – a refined and modern design, adapted to the needs and tastes of an increasingly-dynamic generation. Căprioara SPA & Wellness Resort**** offers increased comfort in the 263 accommodation spaces, respectively in 119 double rooms, 17 single rooms, 4 rooms for disabled people and 4 apartments.
Room endowments: a minibar, a phone, a LED TV, an Internet connection, own heating and air conditioning, a bathroom with a shower, a hairdryer, and a bathrobe.

turism covasna

Cerbul Complex Balnear 3*, part of the Balneary Complex of Turism Covasna S.A., which sits on 10 floors, is located next to Covasna Hotel. It is connected to it on the inside, but also to the restaurant and the treatment base. Its position offers tourists a special view of the entire resort.

turism covasna

Covasna Complex Balnear 3* was the first hotel designed for balneary treatment in Covasna. It was inaugurated in 1972, paving the way for modern tourism.
The hotel sits on 4 floors, with a total number of 125 rooms, classified as 3 stars. It is connected to the Treatment Base and Covasna Restaurant, located on the ground floor of the hotel, with 2 restaurant rooms and an outdoor terrace, all linked via hallways to provide comfort to the tourists, as well as the high efficiency of the balneary treatment applied. The hotel offers tourists free parking, within the limits of available spots, and WI-FI internet in the common areas.

turism covasna

Camping Valea Zânelor is located in the eastern part of the Covasna resort, approximately 5 km from the center of the resort, and from the Covasna Tourism Spa Complex, in an area of rare beauty and with a delightful view offered by the wooded mountains that frame it.
The air in this area is strongly ionized and very clean, with countless health benefits.

Sănatăte și imunitate cu mofete și ape minerale la Complexul Hotelier Turism Covasna!

Hotelurile Căprioara 4*, Covasna 3* şi Cerbul 3* vin în întâmpinarea dvs., după lungă perioadă de aşteptare cu o gama largă de oferte, pentru:

Beneficiile pe care le găsiți în centrul nostru de sănătate vă oferă o vacanță în care puteți îmbina prevenţia, tratamentul şi relaxarea.
Pentru siguranţa oaspeților şi angajaţilor noştri s-au intensificat şi luat toate măsurile de precauţie
asigurandu-vă sejururi plăcute şi binemeritate.
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